Saturday, June 16, 2012

Angel Rock

Blythe was in town for a few days and wanted to hike Angel Rock because every time she's come to visit we've just never had time for it. The visits were always a day too short. We decided to take a Saturday morning and hike Angel Rock with the family. Loda and Dustun, Blythe's boyfriend, joined us.

The views were spectacular and everyone was having a fun time. Arthur was really enjoying himself until a freak storm came through. The wind picked up and the rain came pouring down. He started screaming. That caused Balin to begin screaming. Luckily, Loda spotted a nearby cave and we all crammed into it. She pulled a blanket out of her bag for the boys and after they were plied with snacks, they seemed to do all right as the storm passed. Once it was over, Arthur refused to continue on the trail, so Robinson took him back to the car while the rest of us continued on our way.

We ended up hiking the 3.5 mile loop. The weather on the second half of the hike was much nicer than the first, although the mosquitoes were worse. I thought for sure Balin was going to fall asleep on my back, but he hung on until we were about a half mile away from the car. Of course. When we got there, Arthur and Robinson were waiting for us. Arthur was excited because he had seen some more dogs and because he had gotten to eat a Luna bar Loda gave him.

I asked Blythe if she was ready for the Chilkoot after this hike and she said that she was pretty comfortable with the distance, but that she was still a little worried about the elevation. Loda feels the same. We're fortunate to have a little more time before T-Day, ladies!

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